Welcome to ISALC

Herb Copley
The primary function of the Iowa State Association of Letter Carriers is to advance the legislative and political agenda of the National Association of Letter Carriers, the Iowa State Association of Letter Carriers and its members. To advocate for letter carriers locally, statewide and nationally. To assist the National Business Agent with the education of branch officers, stewards and members. To create a strong, viable and educated work force in the legislative and contractual arenas.

Upcoming Events
Important dates throughout the year.

ISALC 117th Biennial Convention
Your State Association is pleased to announce the 117th Biennial Convention scheduled for Sunday May 4 thru Tuesday May 6, 2025. The host for this covention is Branch 352, Des Moines, Iowa.

The convention site is The Rewind Hotel Tapestry Collection by Hilton at 6075 Mills Civic Pkwy, West Des Moines, Iowa 50266. The room rate will be $159.00 plus taxes and fees. To make reservations use the link: https://group.tapestrycollection.com/4gqt6y

Or if calling (515) 309-3900 ask for the National Association of Letter Carriers group block. DEADLINE FOR HOTEL RESERVATIONS: April 4, 2025 — More Details To Follow!

Joseph Miller 2025 Scholarship Announcement
2025 Scholarship Notice

Your State Association is happy to announce the Joseph Miller Scholarship for 2024-2025 School Year.

One nonrenewable $1000 scholarship will be awarded to a first year college or vocational school student in Iowa. The funds are deposited with the college or vocational school in the student's account and dispersed according to the rules set forth by the college or vocational school for handling scholarship funds. The award is funded by donations from the Iowa State Association, NALC branches, auxiliaries and individuals. (Click here for application)    Scholarship applications must be postmarked by — Jan. 24, 2025.

25th Annual Frank Mandicino Training School
October 20, 21, 22, 2023
ISALC Fall Training

Your State Association, in cooperation with your National Business Agent, David Teegarden are pleased to announce the Annual Frank Mandicino Training School in Coralville, Iowa, October 20, 21, 22, 2024 at the Raddison Hotel, Coralville, Iowa 52241

The registration fee is $150.00 per person and includes training and materials; dinner on Sunday, breakfast and lunch on Monday and breakfast on Tuesday. All refunds are subject to the approval of the ISALC Executive Board. No fee adjustments for meals not eaten. Advance payment is required and participants may not share the registration. Participants should plan on attending the training in its entirety to realize the full benefit. (Click here for complete details)

Legislative and Political Organizer Update

Brent Fjerestad was appointed to Headquarters to do the day-to-day legislative and political activity. He replaces Eddie Davidson. Taking Brent's place is Anthoney Mitchell out of Branch 30 Kansas City as the new Legislative and Political Organizer. His email is mitchell@nalc.org, and cell is 816-739-9347

Joseph Miller Scholarship
2022 Scholarship Winner

Your State Association is happy to announce the winner of the $1,000 Joseph Miller Scholarship this year is Riley Gesell, daughter of Waterloo Branch 512 member Tony Gesell. Congratulations Riley, and we wish you continued success as you pursue your dreams! We also say thank you, to all of the other applicants for this year's scholarship, and hope that your endeavors are also rewarding, and successful! The Joseph Miller Scholarship honors your current ISALC Director of Retirees, former State President, and Hall of Fame member, and former Region 5 NBA, Joe Miller.

"Take Action" for The Postal Service Reform Act of 2021
The Postal Service Reform Act of 2021

Good Afternoon. In case you had not seen the push notification from the NALC on H.R. 3076/S.1720 this is a reminder to contact your House members, and Senators. We need your Branch members to reach out also. Let's see if we can get everyone to make the call. Thank you.

Herb Copley President
Iowa State Association of Letter Carriers

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Brent Fjerestad
Date: Mon, May 24, 2021 at 2:33 PM
Subject: Take Action on the Postal Service Reform Act of 2021 (H.R. 3076/S.1720)

Good afternoon,

You may have received a push notification, from the NALC App to "Take Action" for The Postal Service Reform Act of 2021. You can now have your members take action, for their Senators and Representative to sign onto either H.R. 3076 or S.1720. This is similar to last Spring, when members signed into the Legislative Action Center, for USPS Stimulus Funding; this time everyone can sign in, and their Senators and Rep will appear for them to send a prewritten email off to each. For now, everyone can utilize this daily, to send off emails to their M.O.C.s. Let me know if anyone has issues signing into the Legislative Action Center.

For reference, attached is a brief PowerPoint to walk you through.

Thank you!

In Solidarity,

Brent Fjerestad
Assistant to the President for Legislative & Political Organizing
National Association of Letter Carriers, AFL-CIO
121 N. Sunshine Ave.
Brandon, SD 57005
cell #: 202-230-2992>

ISALC State Convention
October 3rd,4th,5th, 2021

The Iowa State Association of Letter Carriers announces the 2021 State Convention to be held October 3rd, 4th, 5th, 2021. The 115th Biennial Convention will be hosted by Branch 257 in Dubuque, Iowa. The convention site is:

Grand Harbor Resort
350 Bell Street
Dubuque, IA 52001

Room Rate: $99.00 + Taxes and Fees
Reservation Phone Number: 563-690-4000 Ext. 1
Group Code: Iowa State Association Letter Carriers
--> Convention Call 2021 Document (Click here)

The Iowa State Fall Training in Coralville, October 18-20th, has been cancelled due to continued concerns for member safety based on the Covid-19 Pandemic. The State is considering virtual training on Zoom, or Webex in the near future. NBA Mike Birkett and staff are currently putting together a Zoom training in conjunction with Kansas State Association of Letter Carriers for late October.
Details will be released as the training is developed.

NALC 28th Annual Food Drive Postponed
Letter Carriers' Annual Food Drive Postponed


ISALC Spring Training in May at the Adventureland Inn, Des Moines
has been cancelled due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Our main goal right now is to protect our members.

Each attendee must cancel their hotel reservations ASAP.
Call Adventureland Inn: 515-265-7321 or 855-516-1090
Group Code: 46366 Iowa State Association of Letter Carriers

Coronavirus and NALC
... from the desk of Michael J. Birkett.

Director of Safety and Health Manny Peralta has requested that we get the information below out to the branches and members. Thanks for your attention to this important information. ~ Mike

[Begin Message]
From: Manny Peralta
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2020 1:09 PM
To: All Regions
Subject: FW: Coronavirus and NALC

Good Afternoon

The link below was posted to our safety page today.

This is the March 9, 2020 message from PMG Brennan addressing the COVID-19 concerns that we have been discussing. https://link.usps.com/2020/03/09/coronavirus-update-2/

I ask all Regional Offices to pass this on to your branches so that our carriers are more likely to see what she has to say.


Thank you for your assistance and passing on this information.

Manuel L. Peralta, Jr.
Director of Safety and Health
National Association of Letter Carriers
100 Indiana Ave NW
Washington, DC 20001-2144
[End Message]

ISALC Spring Training Announcement

Your State Association is pleased to announce the Annual Spring Training scheduled for May 3 - 5, 2020.

This year's Spring training will be held at Adventureland Inn — 3200 Adventureland Dr. — Altoona, IA 50009

The registration fee is $150.00 per person and includes training and materials; breakfast Monday and Tuesday, lunch on Monday and break refreshments (dinner on your own). All refunds are subject to the approval of the ISALC Executive Board. No fee adjustments for meals not eaten. Advance payment is required and participants may not share the registration. Participants should plan on attending the training in its entirety to realize the full benefit. (Click here for complete details)

2019 Hero of the Year
The Postal Record, page 39
August/September 2018

While on his route on March 13, Waterloo, IA Branch 512 member Austin Rentz heard an unusual sound at the home of an elderly patron. There was a beeping noise through the walls, and he thought it might be a house alarm.

Knowing that it was the house of the postmaster’s mother, the carrier called Branch 512 President Thomas Kinn to ask him to alert the postmaster.

"As I was coming back on my swing, [the noise] got louder," Rentz said. Looking closer, he saw smoke pouring from the door of the woman’s house and realized that the beeping sound had been from a smoke detector.

The carrier rushed inside and got the patron out safely. Rentz then went back inside the home and opened all the kitchen windows to let the smoke vent.

"I think she was cooking and forgot all about it," he said. "The smoke was so thick, I had to cover my mouth going in."

The postmaster told Rentz how grateful he was and how he now has an even better idea of what it is that carriers do every day. "It’s something any person would do," Rentz, a five-year letter carrier, said of his actions.

Letter Carrier Rentz has been chosen NALC 2019 Hero of the Year. He will be NALC’s guest in Washington D.C. October 28-31, 2019. He will be honored at the National Heroes Awards luncheon on October 30, 2019.

Raffle Winner
Raffle Winner of Signed Football

The MDA Football Raffle was won by Lisa Zaputil. The raffle raised $1610.00 for MDA. Thank you to NBA Mike Birkett, and Waterloo Branch 512 members Tony Gesell, Tom Rentz, and Tom Kinn for all of their work on this event.

Stephanie Stewart
New Director of NALC HBP

Congratulations to Stephanie Stewart, Region 5 RAA, and Central Iowa Merged Branch 352 member, on her appointment to the position of director of the NALC Health Benefit Plan! We are excited for Stephanie, as she continues to use her talents in the service to our members. We wish her continued success in her new position.

Lew Drass April 2018 Article
Management Sinks the Safety Ambassador Ship

Please read Lew Drass' Postal Record Article from the April 2018 issue advising all NALC activists not to volunteer for the Safety Ambassador Program in its current form? (Click here for President Rolando's letter to the USPS.)

NALC Annual Food Drive
NALC 27th Annual Food Drive
Saturday, May 11th

Help Your Brother and Sister Carriers
PERF News & Information

Click here to learn more about PERF

Help postal families devastated by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria and by the California wildfires. The need is urgent! Thank you for stepping up to help your brother and sister letter carriers in their desperate time of need.

NALC-USPS Tentative Agreement
NALC/USPS Tentative Contract Agreement

NALC Member App
NALC Member Smartphone App

"Welcome" and "Farewell"

Birkett and Pittman

"Welcome" to our new Business Agent Mike Birkett and "Farewell" to our retiring Business Agent Danny Pittman.

New NALC Website
Become an NALC e-Activist

NALC website

I'm writing today with some exciting news. We have completed our first site-wide overhaul of nalc.org in more than a decade and the early feedback has been tremendous. I wanted to let you know how and why we've made some changes, to help you find exactly what you're looking for on the site, and to tell you that more change is coming. The new front page, where you should find almost everything you're looking for, is big, bright and user-friendly. No longer are we overburdened by too many items on the page, instead using moving graphics to draw people in to find out more. Whether it's more about our fight to save Saturday delivery service, more about our community service, more about the ways we're working to improve the rights and benefits of letter carriers, or just more about NALC, whatever our campaign, we can highlight it big and bold.

But we know members want specific information, too, and we didn't want to make you click through too many pages to try to find it. On our three mid-page tabs, you can get the latest headlines, which we will be updating frequently to bring you not just the latest news about NALC, but news and updates about the entire postal world. You can also go directly to the National Agreement, JCAM or MRS Index. Or the latest paychart. Or the Dispute Resolution process. Or FMLA. Or information on uniforms. Or the M-41. Or the M-39. Or information about an injury on the job. And for new members, you can easily find out about your rights and benefits and learn about how NALC can help you. Whatever you're looking for, it's probably here.

You'll also find our Facebook and Twitter feeds, letting us tap into the millions of users of social media, who might never read a newspaper or turn on the news. We need all the allies we can get, and NALC is committed to leaving no stone unturned to find them. So as you read something you want to share on the new nalc.org, all you have to do is click "like" or "share" at the bottom of the page.

As you can see, we're working hard to create a brand-new, simplified experience for members and people interested in the NALC and our issues.

Oh, and one more little thing we're doing: We're making the website completely enabled for mobile phones and tablets. We know a lot of you need these resources wherever you are and whenever you need them. That's why we've designed it to adapt to the size of your screen, so no matter what you're working on, this website will work for you.

We're still working on a few more things we think you'll like, so keep an eye out for constant improvements.

You can check it out at nalc.org.

In solidarity,

Fredric Rolando, President
National Association of Letter Carriers

Retiring NALC National Officers
Retiring National Officers'

The recently updated list of announced honorees includes:

NALC's 'Fill the Satchel'
September 14, 2014

In the 1950's when NALC had "porch light brigades," we collected money from customers after work for MDA. NALC raised more $3 million annually, at a time when letter carrier salaries were only $4,400 per year. If the previous generation of letter carriers collected that kind of money, we should be inspired to do even more for our longtime charity.

For more information click here.

Do you want to keep your job?
November 4, 2011

Dear NALC Region 5 members,

The purpose of this letter is very plain and to ask a very serious question; Do you want to keep your job? I am painting with a very broad brush but it appears to me the answer is a resounding, NO!  ...Click Here to read the rest of this compelling letter from National Business Agent Dan Pittman.

...also Click Here for the NALC Petition form.

For more companion material visit http://www.saveamericaspostalservice.org/materials.html#apwu

Be sure to select from the NALC-NRLCA Materials section for the Petition, Petition guide, Petition Do's/Dont's, Flier, and more at this web site.

How you can help 'Save Saturday Delivery'

NALC Web Site Please visit the Postal Regulatory Commission's website (click here) and submit a comment in support of Saturday delivery, as the PRC’s support of Saturday delivery will be key in getting congressional support to maintain Saturday delivery.

Based on your own experiences, and using your own words, please weigh in on the importance of Saturday delivery to you, to your postal customers and to the community you serve.
Join the NALC e-Activist Network
NALC Featured News

Join together with tens of thousands of other letter carriers to make your voice heard! NALC will send you e-mail alerts when it's time to act on issues affecting active and retired letter carriers and the future of the Postal Service.

Join the NALC e-Activist Network
Upcoming Events
Important dates throughout the year.

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NALC Auxiliary - Est. 1905
